
Episode one | A hunting we will go!

The Countess hosted Dr. Hans Foottee and Concierge Theadore Jones to her table to dine. The tension was as thick as the soup and Dr. Foottee showed his expert abilities at cutting as he sliced Theadore’s ego into thin slices of tartar in front of the divine Countess.

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The Grand Budapescht Hotel | Review by Weekend Notes

"If you're looking for two hours of fun, escapism, and rapier sharp wit, tinged with an element of craziness, you can be guaranteed it at The Grand Exotic Budapescht Hotel." Weekend Notes

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10 quick fire questions

Jessica Luu will be asking our performers 'ten quick fire questions' each month. For this month her guest is Rhys Auteri.

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Ten quick fire questions

Meet Jessica Luu who will be asking our performers 'ten quick fire questions' each month. For this month her first guest is herself!

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Self Impro vement

Self Impro vement - Impro: making me and the world better. I've been learning impro for 10 months and I'm in love with it - not only because it's wildly fun (it is), but because impro is helping me become the person I want to be in the world. Impro teaches me to be kind to myself, to really listen to my own and others' needs, to be curious about what could come next and brave enough to let it change my mind and touch my heart.

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Go Bananas in Wild Card!

Jim Fishwick talks about Improvisation and the rehearsal process for our Comedy festival show 'Wild Card'.

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From the Back Row

The next time you see an Impro Melbourne show, once you’re settled in your seat, take a moment to look behind you. Chances are you’ll spot one of our players in the back row, armed with a notebook, trying not to attract attention. Sometimes it’s the director of the show; more often, it’s a member of the cast taking their turn in an important role: the player on notes. With few exceptions, every Impro Melbourne show has a player on notes, because we believe that every show – no matter how successful – has something to teach us.

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"scenes never lost momentum as the performs were able to jump in and always keep the scenes hilarious"

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The High Wire Act

It's not called Wild Card for nothing

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Weekend Notes: How The West Was Improvised

"This is impro like you've never seen it before! It's a whole new format and I must say, I really enjoyed it."

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