
Impro Melbourne Update (Jan. 2014)

Just in time for your new year’s resolutions, Impro Melbourne’s first workshops of 2014 are now on sale!

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Impro Melbourne Update (Apr. 2013)

Greetings, Earthlings! Welcome to this mid-Comedy Festival edition of the Impro Melbourne Update. Your guest host today is Dr. Gaviun Schuster, who recently discovered a scientific link between improvisation and good health. “It’s great stuff!” Schuster says.

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Impro Melbourne Update (Mar. 2013)

Attention comedy buffs! This e-newletter is for you. Yes, you there! The Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) is upon us (actually, it starts 27 March) and, boy (or girl), do we have a whole swag (or host) of shows for you (or whatever) to choose from. Read on for all the goss(ip).

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Impro Melbourne Update (Feb. 2013)

Holy frijolé! It's the first Impro Melbourne Update for 2013! While everyone has been digesting their over-indulgence from the holiday period, we've been hard at work preparing a number of seasons for the start of the year, as well as the new Impro Melbourne website. What handsome/beautiful folks we are! Read on for the good word.

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